mirror of https://github.com/markqvist/MMDVM.git
190 lines
8.3 KiB
190 lines
8.3 KiB
# makefile for the arduino due (works with arduino IDE 1.6.11)
# The original file can be found at https://github.com/pauldreik/arduino-due-makefile
# USAGE: put this file in the same dir as your .ino file is.
# configure the PORT variable and ADIR at the top of the file
# to match your local configuration.
# Type make upload to compile and upload.
#user specific settings:
#where to find the IDE
#which serial port to use (add a file with SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",
#ATTRS{product}=="Arduino Due Prog. Port", ATTRS{idProduct}=="003d",
#ATTRS{idVendor}=="2341", SYMLINK+="arduino_due" in /etc/udev/rules.d/
#to get this working). Do not prefix the port with /dev/, just take
#the basename.
#if you want to verify the bossac upload, define this to -v
#end of user configuration.
#then some general settings. They should not be necessary to modify.
#all these values are hard coded and should maybe be configured somehow else,
#like olikraus does in his makefile.
DEFINES:=-Dprintf=iprintf -DF_CPU=84000000 -DARDUINO=10611 -D__SAM3X8E__ -DUSB_PID=0x003e -DUSB_VID=0x2341 -DUSBCON \
INCLUDES:=-I$(SAM)/system/libsam -I$(SAM)/system/CMSIS/CMSIS/Include/ \
-I$(SAM)/system/CMSIS/Device/ATMEL/ -I$(SAM)/cores/arduino \
#also include the current dir for convenience
#compilation flags common to both c and c++
COMMON_FLAGS:=-g -Os -w -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib \
--param max-inline-insns-single=500 -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb \
#for compiling c (do not warn, this is not our code)
CFLAGS:=$(COMMON_FLAGS) -std=gnu11
#for compiling c++
CXXFLAGS:=$(COMMON_FLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++11 -Wall -Wextra
#let the results be named after the project
PROJNAME:=$(shell basename *.ino .ino)
#we will make a new mainfile from the ino file.
#our own sourcefiles is the (converted) ino file and any local cpp files
MYSRCFILES:=$(NEWMAINFILE) $(shell ls *.cpp 2>/dev/null)
MYOBJFILES:=$(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(TMPDIR)/,$(notdir $(MYSRCFILES))))
#These source files are the ones forming core.a
CORESRCXX:=$(shell ls ${SAM}/cores/arduino/*.cpp ${SAM}/cores/arduino/USB/*.cpp ${SAM}/variants/arduino_due_x/variant.cpp)
CORESRC:=$(shell ls ${SAM}/cores/arduino/*.c)
#hey this one is needed too: $(SAM)/cores/arduino/wiring_pulse_asm.S" add -x assembler-with-cpp
#and this one: /1.6.11/cores/arduino/avr/dtostrf.c but it seems to work
#anyway, probably because I do not use that functionality.
#convert the core source files to object files. assume no clashes.
COREOBJSXX:=$(addprefix $(TMPDIR)/core/,$(notdir $(CORESRCXX)) )
COREOBJSXX:=$(addsuffix .o,$(COREOBJSXX))
COREOBJS:=$(addprefix $(TMPDIR)/core/,$(notdir $(CORESRC)) )
COREOBJS:=$(addsuffix .o,$(COREOBJS))
@echo default rule, does nothing. Try make compile or make upload.
#This rule is good to just make sure stuff compiles, without having to wait
#for bossac.
compile: GitVersion.h $(TMPDIR)/$(PROJNAME).elf $(TMPDIR)/$(PROJNAME).bin
#This is a make rule template to create object files from the source files.
# arg 1=src file
# arg 2=object file
# arg 3= XX if c++, empty if c
define OBJ_template
$(2): $(1)
$(C$(3)) -MD -c $(C$(3)FLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) $(1) -o $(2)
#now invoke the template both for c++ sources
$(foreach src,$(CORESRCXX), $(eval $(call OBJ_template,$(src),$(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(TMPDIR)/core/,$(notdir $(src)))),XX) ) )
#...and for c sources:
$(foreach src,$(CORESRC), $(eval $(call OBJ_template,$(src),$(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(TMPDIR)/core/,$(notdir $(src)))),) ) )
#and our own c++ sources
$(foreach src,$(MYSRCFILES), $(eval $(call OBJ_template,$(src),$(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(TMPDIR)/,$(notdir $(src)))),XX) ) )
test ! -d $(TMPDIR) || rm -rf $(TMPDIR)
$(RM) GitVersion.h
.PHONY: .FORCE upload default
mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)
mkdir -p $(TMPDIR)/core
#creates the cpp file from the .ino file
cat $(SAM)/cores/arduino/main.cpp > $(NEWMAINFILE)
echo 'extern "C" void __cxa_pure_virtual() {while (true);}' >> $(NEWMAINFILE)
#include the dependencies for our own files
-include $(MYOBJFILES:.o=.d)
#create the core library from the core objects. Do this EXACTLY as the
#arduino IDE does it, seems *really* picky about this.
#Sorry for the hard coding.
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/wiring_shift.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/wiring_analog.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/itoa.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/cortex_handlers.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/hooks.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/wiring.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/WInterrupts.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/syscalls_sam3.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/iar_calls_sam3.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/wiring_digital.c.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/Print.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/USARTClass.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/WString.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/PluggableUSB.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/USBCore.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/CDC.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/wiring_pulse.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/UARTClass.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/main.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/new.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/watchdog.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/Stream.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/RingBuffer.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/IPAddress.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/Reset.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/WMath.cpp.o
$(AR) rcs $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/variant.cpp.o
#link our own object files with core to form the elf file
$(TMPDIR)/$(PROJNAME).elf: $(TMPDIR)/core.a $(TMPDIR)/core/syscalls_sam3.c.o $(MYOBJFILES)
$(CC) -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -Os -Wl,--gc-sections -T$(SAM)/variants/arduino_due_x/linker_scripts/gcc/flash.ld -Wl,-Map,$(NEWMAINFILE).map -o $@ -L$(TMPDIR) -Wl,--cref -Wl,--check-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--entry=Reset_Handler -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=report-all -Wl,--warn-common -Wl,--warn-section-align -Wl,--start-group -u _sbrk -u link -u _close -u _fstat -u _isatty -u _lseek -u _read -u _write -u _exit -u kill -u _getpid $(MYOBJFILES) $(TMPDIR)/core/variant.cpp.o $(SAM)/variants/arduino_due_x/libsam_sam3x8e_gcc_rel.a $(SAM)/system/CMSIS/CMSIS/Lib/GCC/libarm_cortexM3l_math.a $(TMPDIR)/core.a -Wl,--end-group -lm -gcc
#copy from the hex to our bin file (why?)
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
#upload to the arduino by first resetting it (stty) and the running bossac
upload: compile
stty -F /dev/$(PORT) cs8 1200 hupcl
$(ADIR)/packages/arduino/tools/bossac/1.6.1-arduino/bossac -i --port=$(PORT) -U false -e -w $(VERIFY) -b $(TMPDIR)/$(PROJNAME).bin -R
# Export the current git version if the index file exists, else 000...
GitVersion.h: .FORCE
ifneq ("$(wildcard .git/index)","")
echo "#define GITVERSION \"$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)\"" > $@
echo "#define GITVERSION \"0000000\"" > $@