correctly builds the packet, hash still wrong

John Safranek 2014-09-02 23:21:17 -07:00
parent 8be65978bb
commit ad17306d96
1 changed files with 90 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include <wolfssh/log.h>
#include <cyassl/ctaocrypt/aes.h>
#include <cyassl/ctaocrypt/rsa.h>
#include <cyassl/openssl/rsa.h>
/* convert opaque to 32 bit integer */
@ -1070,7 +1071,7 @@ static int PreparePacket(WOLFSSH* ssh, uint32_t payloadSz)
uint8_t paddingSz;
/* Minimum value for paddingSz is 4. */
paddingSz = (LENGTH_SZ + PAD_LENGTH_SZ + payloadSz) % ssh->blockSz;
paddingSz = ssh->blockSz - (LENGTH_SZ + PAD_LENGTH_SZ + payloadSz) % ssh->blockSz;
if (paddingSz < 4)
paddingSz += ssh->blockSz;
ssh->paddingSz = paddingSz;
@ -1225,16 +1226,27 @@ int SendKexInit(WOLFSSH* ssh)
int SendKexDhReply(WOLFSSH* ssh)
DhKey dhKey;
RsaKey rsaKey;
uint8_t f[256];
uint32_t fSz = sizeof(f);
uint8_t fPad;
uint8_t fPad = 0;
uint8_t y[256];
uint32_t ySz = sizeof(y);
uint8_t kPad;
uint32_t payloadSz;
uint8_t kPad = 0;
RsaKey rsaKey;
uint8_t rsaE[257];
uint32_t rsaESz = sizeof(rsaE);
uint8_t rsaEPad = 0;
uint8_t rsaN[257];
uint32_t rsaNSz = sizeof(rsaN);
uint8_t rsaNPad = 0;
uint32_t rsaKeyBlockSz;
uint8_t sig[512];
uint32_t sigSz = sizeof(sig);
uint32_t sigBlockSz;
uint32_t payloadSz;
uint8_t scratchLen[LENGTH_SZ];
uint32_t scratch = 0;
uint8_t* output;
@ -1258,37 +1270,65 @@ int SendKexDhReply(WOLFSSH* ssh)
return -1;
c32toa(ssh->ctx->certSz, scratchLen);
/* Hash in the server's RSA key. */
InitRsaKey(&rsaKey, ssh->ctx->heap);
ret = RsaPrivateKeyDecode(ssh->ctx->privateKey, &scratch, &rsaKey, (int)ssh->ctx->privateKeySz);
RsaFlattenPublicKey(&rsaKey, rsaE, &rsaESz, rsaN, &rsaNSz);
if (rsaE[0] & 0x80) rsaEPad = 1;
if (rsaN[0] & 0x80) rsaNPad = 1;
printf("XXX rsaESz = %d, rsaNSz = %d\n", rsaESz, rsaNSz);
DumpOctetString(rsaE, rsaESz);
DumpOctetString(rsaN, rsaNSz);
rsaKeyBlockSz = (LENGTH_SZ * 3) + 7 + rsaESz + rsaEPad + rsaNSz + rsaNPad;
/* The 7 is for the name "ssh-rsa". */
c32toa(rsaKeyBlockSz + LENGTH_SZ, scratchLen);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, LENGTH_SZ);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, ssh->ctx->cert, ssh->ctx->certSz);
c32toa(7, scratchLen);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, LENGTH_SZ);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, (const uint8_t*)"ssh-rsa", 7);
c32toa(rsaESz + rsaEPad, scratchLen);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, LENGTH_SZ);
if (rsaEPad) {
scratchLen[0] = 0;
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, 1);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, rsaN, rsaNSz);
c32toa(rsaNSz + rsaNPad, scratchLen);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, LENGTH_SZ);
if (rsaNPad) {
scratchLen[0] = 0;
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, 1);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, rsaN, rsaNSz);
/* Hash in the client's DH e-value. */
c32toa(ssh->handshake->eSz, scratchLen);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, LENGTH_SZ);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, ssh->handshake->e, ssh->handshake->eSz);
/* e always starts with a 0x00, why?
* It doesn't. Like good and proper unsigned values, it always starts
* with a leading 0-bit. So, when writing the f value into the message
* for the client ensure the leading bit is 0. */
/* Make the server's DH f-value, and the shared secret k. */
DhGenerateKeyPair(&dhKey, ssh->rng, y, &ySz, f, &fSz);
fPad = (f[0] & 0x80) != 0;
if (f[0] & 0x80) fPad = 1;
DhAgree(&dhKey, ssh->k, &ssh->kSz, f, fSz,
ssh->handshake->e, ssh->handshake->eSz);
kPad = (ssh->k[0] & 0x80) != 0;
if (ssh->k[0] & 0x80) kPad = 1;
printf("Master secret:\n");
DumpOctetString(ssh->k, ssh->kSz);
/* Hash in the server's DH f-value. */
c32toa(fSz + fPad, scratchLen);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, LENGTH_SZ);
if (fPad) {
scratchLen[0] = 0;
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, 1);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, f, fSz);
/* Hash in the shared secret k. */
c32toa(ssh->kSz + kPad, scratchLen);
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, scratchLen, LENGTH_SZ);
if (kPad) {
@ -1297,6 +1337,7 @@ int SendKexDhReply(WOLFSSH* ssh)
ShaUpdate(&ssh->handshake->hash, ssh->k, ssh->kSz);
/* Save the handshake hash value h, and session ID. */
ShaFinal(&ssh->handshake->hash, ssh->h);
if (ssh->sessionIdSz == 0) {
@ -1304,34 +1345,46 @@ int SendKexDhReply(WOLFSSH* ssh)
ssh->sessionIdSz = ssh->hSz;
/* Fill in the packet here. */
/* Get the buffer, copy the packet data, once f is laid into the buffer,
* add it to the hash and then add K. */
ShaFinal(&ssh->handshake->hash, ssh->h);
/* Sign H. Add sig to the buffer */
InitRsaKey(&rsaKey, ssh->ctx->heap);
ret = RsaPrivateKeyDecode(ssh->ctx->privateKey, &scratch, &rsaKey, (int)ssh->ctx->privateKeySz);
sigSz = (uint32_t)RsaSSL_Sign(ssh->h, ssh->hSz, sig, (int)sigSz, &rsaKey, ssh->rng);
/* Sign h with the server's RSA private key. */
CYASSL_RSA* altKey = CyaSSL_RSA_new();
ret = CyaSSL_RSA_LoadDer(altKey, ssh->ctx->privateKey, (int)ssh->ctx->privateKeySz);
ret = CyaSSL_RSA_sign(64, ssh->h, ssh->hSz, sig, &sigSz, altKey);
//sigSz = (uint32_t)RsaSSL_Sign(ssh->h, ssh->hSz, sig, (int)sigSz, &rsaKey, ssh->rng);
sigBlockSz = (LENGTH_SZ * 2) + 7 + sigSz;
payloadSz = MSG_ID_SZ +
LENGTH_SZ + ssh->ctx->certSz +
LENGTH_SZ + fSz + (fPad ? 1 : 0) +
LENGTH_SZ + sigSz;
/* Get the buffer, copy the packet data, once f is laid into the buffer,
* add it to the hash and then add K. */
payloadSz = MSG_ID_SZ + (LENGTH_SZ * 3) +
rsaKeyBlockSz + fSz + fPad + sigBlockSz;
PreparePacket(ssh, payloadSz);
output = ssh->outputBuffer.buffer;
idx = ssh->outputBuffer.length;
output[idx++] = MSGID_KEXDH_REPLY;
c32toa(ssh->ctx->certSz, output + idx);
/* Copy the rsaKeyBlock into the buffer. */
c32toa(rsaKeyBlockSz, output + idx);
idx += LENGTH_SZ;
WMEMCPY(output + idx, ssh->ctx->cert, ssh->ctx->certSz);
idx += ssh->ctx->certSz;
c32toa(7, output + idx);
idx += LENGTH_SZ;
WMEMCPY(output + idx, "ssh-rsa", 7);
idx += 7;
c32toa(rsaESz + rsaEPad, output + idx);
idx += LENGTH_SZ;
if (rsaEPad) output[idx++] = 0;
WMEMCPY(output + idx, rsaE, rsaESz);
idx += rsaESz;
c32toa(rsaNSz + rsaNPad, output + idx);
idx += LENGTH_SZ;
if (rsaNPad) output[idx++] = 0;
WMEMCPY(output + idx, rsaN, rsaNSz);
idx += rsaNSz;
c32toa(fSz + fPad, output + idx);
idx += LENGTH_SZ;
@ -1339,6 +1392,12 @@ int SendKexDhReply(WOLFSSH* ssh)
WMEMCPY(output + idx, f, fSz);
idx += fSz;
c32toa(sigBlockSz, output + idx);
idx += LENGTH_SZ;
c32toa(7, output + idx);
idx += LENGTH_SZ;
WMEMCPY(output + idx, "ssh-rsa", 7);
idx += 7;
c32toa(sigSz, output + idx);
idx += LENGTH_SZ;
WMEMCPY(output + idx, sig, sigSz);