### wolfSSH v1.3.0 (08/15/2018) - Accepted code submission from Stephen Casner for SCP support. Thanks Stephen! - Added SCP server support. - Added SFTP client and server support. - Updated the autoconf scripts. - Other bug fixes and enhancements. ### wolfSSH v1.2.0 (09/26/2017) - Added ECDH Group Exchange with SHA2 hashing and curves nistp256, nistp384, and nistp521. - Added ECDSA with SHA2 hashing and curves nistp256, nistp384, and nistp521. - Added client support. - Added an example client that talks to the echoserver. - Changed the echoserver to allow only one connection, but multiple connections are allowed with a command line option. - Added option to echoserver to offer an ECC public key. - Added a Visual Studio solution to build the library, examples, and tests. - Other bug fixes and enhancements. ### wolfSSH v1.1.0 (06/16/2017) - Added DH Group Exchange with SHA-256 hashing to the key exchange. - Removed the canned banner and provided a function to set a banner string. If no sting is provided, no banner is sent. - Expanded the make checking to include an API test. - Added a function that returns session statistics. - When connecting to the echoserver, hitting Ctrl-E will give you some session statistics. - Parse and reply to the Global Request message. - Fixed a bug with client initiated rekeying. - Fixed a bug with the GetString function. - Other small bug fixes and enhancements. ### wolfSSH v1.0.0 (10/24/2016) Initial release.