#!/bin/sh # external tests host="test.rebex.net" user="demo" password="password" if test -n "$WOLFSSH_EXTERNAL_TEST"; then echo "WOLFSSH_EXTERNAL_TEST set, running test..." else echo "WOLFSSH_EXTERNAL_TEST NOT set, won't run" exit 0 fi do_cleanup() { echo "in cleanup" } do_trap() { echo "got trap" do_cleanup exit -1 } trap do_trap INT TERM [ ! -x ./examples/client/client ] && echo -e "\n\nClient doesn't exist" && exit 1 echo "Testing client connection to $host : " ./examples/client/client -u $user -P $password -h $host -p 22 -x RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "failed to connect\n" do_cleanup exit 1 fi echo -e "Success\n" # not having the sftp client built in is not a failure case ./examples/sftpclient/wolfsftp -h if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Testing wolfsftp connection to $host : " echo "exit" | ./examples/sftpclient/wolfsftp -u $user -P $password -h $host -p 22 RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "failed to connect\n" do_cleanup exit 1 else echo -e "Success\n" fi else echo -e "\n\nwolfSFTP client doesn't exist" fi echo -e "\nALL Tests Passed" exit 0