#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "examples/wolffwd/wolffwd.h" /* The wolffwd tool will be a client or server in the port forwarding * interaction. * * The wolffwd client will connect to an SSH server and request a tunnel. * The client acts like a server for the local user application. It forwards * the packets received to the SSH server who will then forward the packet * to its local application server. * * The wolffwd server will listen for SSH connections, and when it receives * one will only accept forward requests from the connection. All data for * the forwarding channel are sent to the local application server and * data from the server is forwarded to the client. */ static inline int max(int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } static void ShowUsage(void) { printf("wolffwd %s\n" " -? display this help and exit\n" " -h host to connect to, default %s\n" " -p port to connect on, default %u\n" " -u username to authenticate as (REQUIRED)\n" " -P password for username, prompted if omitted\n" " -F host to forward from, default\n" " -f host port to forward from (REQUIRED)\n" " -T host to forward to, default to host\n" " -t port to forward to (REQUIRED)\n" " -d server mode\n", LIBWOLFSSH_VERSION_STRING, wolfSshIp, wolfSshPort); } static int SetEcho(int on) { #ifndef USE_WINDOWS_API static int echoInit = 0; static struct termios originalTerm; if (!echoInit) { if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &originalTerm) != 0) { printf("Couldn't get the original terminal settings.\n"); return -1; } echoInit = 1; } if (on) { if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &originalTerm) != 0) { printf("Couldn't restore the terminal settings.\n"); return -1; } } else { struct termios newTerm; memcpy(&newTerm, &originalTerm, sizeof(struct termios)); newTerm.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; newTerm.c_lflag |= (ICANON | ECHONL); if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newTerm) != 0) { printf("Couldn't turn off echo.\n"); return -1; } } #else static int echoInit = 0; static DWORD originalTerm; HANDLE stdinHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (!echoInit) { if (GetConsoleMode(stdinHandle, &originalTerm) == 0) { printf("Couldn't get the original terminal settings.\n"); return -1; } echoInit = 1; } if (on) { if (SetConsoleMode(stdinHandle, originalTerm) == 0) { printf("Couldn't restore the terminal settings.\n"); return -1; } } else { DWORD newTerm = originalTerm; newTerm &= ~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT; if (SetConsoleMode(stdinHandle, newTerm) == 0) { printf("Couldn't turn off echo.\n"); return -1; } } #endif return 0; } byte userPassword[256]; static int wsUserAuth(byte authType, WS_UserAuthData* authData, void* ctx) { const char* defaultPassword = (const char*)ctx; word32 passwordSz; int ret = WOLFSSH_USERAUTH_SUCCESS; (void)authType; if (defaultPassword != NULL) { passwordSz = (word32)strlen(defaultPassword); memcpy(userPassword, defaultPassword, passwordSz); } else { printf("Password: "); SetEcho(0); if (WFGETS((char*)userPassword, sizeof(userPassword), stdin) == NULL) { printf("Getting password failed.\n"); ret = WOLFSSH_USERAUTH_FAILURE; } else { char* c = strpbrk((char*)userPassword, "\r\n");; if (c != NULL) *c = '\0'; passwordSz = (word32)strlen((const char*)userPassword); } SetEcho(1); #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API printf("\r\n"); #endif } if (ret == WOLFSSH_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) { authData->sf.password.password = userPassword; authData->sf.password.passwordSz = passwordSz; } return ret; } #define INVALID_FWD_PORT 0 static const char defaultFwdFromHost[] = ""; /* * fwdFromHost - address to bind the local listener socket to (default: any) * fwdFromHostPort - port number to bind the local listener socket to * fwdToHost - address to tell the remote peer to connect to on behalf of the * client (actual server address) * fwdToHostPort - port number to tell the remote peer to connect to on behalf * of the client (actual server port) * host - peer SSH server address to connect to * hostPort - peer SSH server port number to connect to */ THREAD_RETURN WOLFSSH_THREAD wolffwd_worker(void* args) { WOLFSSH* ssh; WOLFSSH_CTX* ctx; char* host = (char*)wolfSshIp; word16 port = wolfSshPort; word16 fwdFromPort = INVALID_FWD_PORT; word16 fwdToPort = INVALID_FWD_PORT; const char* fwdFromHost = defaultFwdFromHost; const char* fwdToHost = NULL; const char* username = NULL; const char* password = NULL; SOCKADDR_IN_T hostAddr; socklen_t hostAddrSz = sizeof(hostAddr); SOCKET_T sshFd; SOCKADDR_IN_T fwdFromHostAddr; socklen_t fwdFromHostAddrSz = sizeof(fwdFromHostAddr); SOCKET_T listenFd; SOCKET_T appFd = -1; int argc = ((func_args*)args)->argc; char** argv = ((func_args*)args)->argv; int serverMode = 0; fd_set templateFds; fd_set rxFds; fd_set errFds; int nFds; int ret; char ch; int done = 0; int appFdSet = 0; struct timeval to; WOLFSSH_CHANNEL* fwdChannel = NULL; byte buffer[4096]; word32 bufferSz = sizeof(buffer); word32 bufferUsed = 0; ((func_args*)args)->return_code = 0; while ((ch = mygetopt(argc, argv, "?df:h:p:t:u:F:P:T:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': serverMode = 1; break; case 'h': host = myoptarg; break; case 'f': fwdFromPort = (word16)atoi(myoptarg); break; case 'p': port = (word16)atoi(myoptarg); #if !defined(NO_MAIN_DRIVER) || defined(USE_WINDOWS_API) if (port == 0) err_sys("port number cannot be 0"); #endif break; case 't': fwdToPort = (word16)atoi(myoptarg); break; case 'u': username = myoptarg; break; case 'F': fwdFromHost = myoptarg; break; case 'P': password = myoptarg; break; case 'T': fwdToHost = myoptarg; break; case '?': ShowUsage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: ShowUsage(); exit(MY_EX_USAGE); } } myoptind = 0; if (username == NULL) err_sys("client requires a username parameter."); if (fwdToPort == INVALID_FWD_PORT) err_sys("requires a port to forward to"); if (fwdFromPort == INVALID_FWD_PORT) err_sys("requires a port to forward from"); if (fwdToHost == NULL) fwdToHost = host; printf("wolffwd options\n" " * ssh host: %s:%u\n" " * username: %s\n" " * password: %s\n" " * forward from: %s:%u\n" " * forward to: %s:%u\n" " * server mode: %s\n", host, port, username, password, fwdFromHost, fwdFromPort, fwdToHost, fwdToPort, serverMode ? "yes" : "no"); ctx = wolfSSH_CTX_new(WOLFSSH_ENDPOINT_CLIENT, NULL); if (ctx == NULL) err_sys("couldn't create the ssh client"); if (((func_args*)args)->user_auth == NULL) wolfSSH_SetUserAuth(ctx, wsUserAuth); else wolfSSH_SetUserAuth(ctx, ((func_args*)args)->user_auth); ssh = wolfSSH_new(ctx); if (ssh == NULL) err_sys("Couldn't create wolfSSH session."); if (password != NULL) wolfSSH_SetUserAuthCtx(ssh, (void*)password); ret = wolfSSH_SetUsername(ssh, username); if (ret != WS_SUCCESS) err_sys("Couldn't set the username."); build_addr(&hostAddr, host, port); build_addr(&fwdFromHostAddr, fwdFromHost, fwdFromPort); tcp_socket(&sshFd); /* Socket to SSH peer. */ tcp_socket(&listenFd); /* Either receive from client application or connect to server application. */ tcp_listen(&listenFd, &fwdFromPort, 1); printf("Connecting to the SSH server...\n"); ret = connect(sshFd, (const struct sockaddr *)&hostAddr, hostAddrSz); if (ret != 0) err_sys("Couldn't connect to server."); ret = wolfSSH_set_fd(ssh, (int)sshFd); if (ret != WS_SUCCESS) err_sys("Couldn't set the session's socket."); ret = wolfSSH_connect(ssh); if (ret != WS_SUCCESS) err_sys("Couldn't connect SFTP"); FD_ZERO(&templateFds); FD_SET(sshFd, &templateFds); FD_SET(listenFd, &templateFds); nFds = max(sshFd, listenFd) + 1; printf("Entering the run loop...\n"); while (!done) { rxFds = templateFds; to.tv_sec = 1; to.tv_usec = 0; ret = select(nFds, &rxFds, NULL, &errFds, &to); if (ret == 0) { printf("select timed out\n"); ret = wolfSSH_SendIgnore(ssh, NULL, 0); if (ret != WS_SUCCESS) printf("Couldn't send an ignore message.\n"); continue; } else if (ret < 0) { printf("select failed\n"); break; } else printf("select returned something: %d\n", ret); if (appFdSet && FD_ISSET(appFd, &rxFds)) { int rxd; printf("application packet received\n"); rxd = (int)recv(appFd, buffer + bufferUsed, bufferSz - bufferUsed, 0); if (rxd > 0) bufferUsed += rxd; else break; } if (FD_ISSET(sshFd, &rxFds)) { word32 channelId = 0; ret = wolfSSH_worker(ssh, &channelId); if (ret == WS_CHAN_RXD) { WOLFSSH_CHANNEL* readChannel; bufferSz = sizeof(buffer); readChannel = wolfSSH_ChannelFind(ssh, channelId, WS_CHANNEL_ID_SELF); ret = (readChannel == NULL) ? WS_INVALID_CHANID : WS_SUCCESS; if (ret == WS_SUCCESS) ret = wolfSSH_ChannelRead(readChannel, buffer, bufferSz); if (ret > 0) { bufferSz = (word32)ret; if (appFd != -1) { ret = (int)send(appFd, buffer, bufferSz, 0); if (ret != (int)bufferSz) break; } } } } if (!appFdSet && FD_ISSET(listenFd, &rxFds)) { appFd = accept(listenFd, (struct sockaddr*)&fwdFromHostAddr, &fwdFromHostAddrSz); FD_SET(appFd, &templateFds); nFds = appFd + 1; appFdSet = 1; fwdChannel = wolfSSH_ChannelFwdNew(ssh, fwdToHost, fwdToPort, fwdFromHost, fwdFromPort); } if (bufferUsed > 0) { ret = wolfSSH_ChannelSend(fwdChannel, buffer, bufferUsed); if (ret > 0) bufferUsed -= ret; } } ret = wolfSSH_shutdown(ssh); if (ret != WS_SUCCESS) err_sys("Closing stream failed."); WCLOSESOCKET(sshFd); WCLOSESOCKET(listenFd); WCLOSESOCKET(appFd); wolfSSH_free(ssh); wolfSSH_CTX_free(ctx); return 0; } #ifndef NO_MAIN_DRIVER int main(int argc, char** argv) { func_args args; args.argc = argc; args.argv = argv; args.return_code = 0; args.user_auth = NULL; WSTARTTCP(); #ifdef DEBUG_WOLFSSH wolfSSH_Debugging_ON(); #endif wolfSSH_Init(); ChangeToWolfSshRoot(); wolffwd_worker(&args); wolfSSH_Cleanup(); return args.return_code; } int myoptind = 0; char* myoptarg = NULL; #endif /* NO_MAIN_DRIVER */